Women on the move and how to keep them safe!

It is most important to consider female safety when implementing global mobility and travel programs.  As the number of women expats and global business travelers continues to grow, so does the awareness that these women face greater risks on the road and moving abroad. Top concerns are traveling to certain countries with different attitudes towards women, […] Continue reading… from Women on the move and how to keep them safe!

Savvy, Sophisticated, and Social media-friendly?

According to the 2018 Atlas Van Lines Corporate Relocation Survey of 435 corporate relocation professionals, 38% of all corporations expect their international relocation volume to increase, 41% expect relocations to stay the same, and only 20% expect relocations to decrease.  In addition, there has been a steady rise in international business travel. Let’s focus on […] Continue reading… from Savvy, Sophisticated, and Social media-friendly?

When in Rome…

Having recently returned from a trip to Italy and Portugal, I made it a point to notice the social and business customs while there.  Since this dove tails so beautifully with the purpose of Living Abroad, I thought I would share some of my observations.  I would imagine that you have experienced some of the […] Continue reading… from When in Rome…

Ways to keep your business travelers on track!

If your company has frequent global business travelers—or if you travel frequently yourself—you will want to make sure your phone can support you while you travel.  Great travel apps can make all the difference.  Here are a few of the best. Concur The Concur mobile travel and expense app offers a variety of business intelligence, travel, expense and […] Continue reading… from Ways to keep your business travelers on track!

Business Traveler + Cultural Competence = Win Win

If you’re like most companies, you have many more global business travelers than assignees.  Assignees are supported in so many ways, but are your global business travelers?  Many proactive measures are offered in order to mitigate risks to employees, such as traveler tracking or emergency response.  However, the soft issues are often ignored, like maintaining […] Continue reading… from Business Traveler + Cultural Competence = Win Win

“Good morning, Mr. Morris.” “Hi there, Julien.”

What impact can this simple exchange have on a newly developing cross-cultural relationship? I have an American colleague who is easygoing, friendly, and wants to build trust with his associates in France. On a recent business trip to Lyon, he noticed that he was often addressed by his surname.  “It felt stiff and strange,” he […] Continue reading… from “Good morning, Mr. Morris.” “Hi there, Julien.”

Protocol on steroids

Several years ago, I won a contest to attend The Protocol School of Washington, D.C.’s Protocol Officer Training.  For the competition, I chose to create a video to assist the CEO of a large U.S. hospital navigate a three-country trip that focused on building relationships.  They would travel first to Spain, then Nigeria, and end […] Continue reading… from Protocol on steroids

Your best foot forward!

We are all familiar with common business practices in our home countries, but less accustomed to the way things are done abroad. It’s important for your globally mobile employees to remember that, when traveling abroad for business, they are representing your department, your company, and your country.  With so much on the line, every international business […] Continue reading… from Your best foot forward!