What American Expats Need to Know About Taxes on Foreign Income

The United States is one of the few countries that taxes citizens on foreign income, even money earned abroad while living abroad. As an American expat, you will likely need to file taxes both in the United States and in your host country. This article is intended to give you a brief introduction to the […] Continue reading… from What American Expats Need to Know About Taxes on Foreign Income

Global Mobility + Global Talent Development = Global Leadership + Global Success

Becoming a truly global company includes the effective development of global talent.  Assignments should be viewed as cycles, starting with candidate selection and completing at the end of repatriation.  As global markets constantly change, the skills people need to be successful must keep pace with the demand. Combining the efforts of HR, diversity, global talent […] Continue reading… from Global Mobility + Global Talent Development = Global Leadership + Global Success

7 Tips to Keep your Expats Happy!

Given all the stresses surrounding a relocation, what are some strategies to ease the strain on your relocating employees? 1.  Encourage research Information has never been easier to access.  Make sure to recommend a reliable and trusted source for their pre-departure review.  Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are not considered trustworthy resources. 2.    Provide a look-see […] Continue reading… from 7 Tips to Keep your Expats Happy!

Rick Roberts, Shamrock Mover Service, was the Moose Passport Winner in Houston!

Living Abroad would like to thank our partners, AIRINC, ACS International Schools, Switchplace, International Auto Source, Cultural Awareness International, CORT Global Furniture Rental Network, and Fragomen, for sponsoring the Moose Passport at the Houston Totally Expat Show! Click here to watch the contest unfold. […] Continue reading… from Rick Roberts, Shamrock Mover Service, was the Moose Passport Winner in Houston!

Xavier Patrick (Xpat) Moose is coming to Houston!

February is here and Living Abroad is hitting the road! Major stop:  energy capital of the world, Houston, Texas.  We will exhibit and attend the 2nd Annual Forum for Expatriate Management’s Totally Expat Show held at the downtown Hyatt Regency on February 25. If you’re attending, please stop by the Living Abroad booth A9 for […] Continue reading… from Xavier Patrick (Xpat) Moose is coming to Houston!