One can dream

Today a colleague sent around a “breaking news report” from the New York Times:  European countries may allow American tourists to visit this summer if they show proof of being fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.  This was incredibly encouraging since global business travel has begun intra-EU and international assignments can’t be too far behind. According to […] Continue reading… from One can dream

The Rise of Virtual Cultural Awareness

A natural progression of working from home has been more screen time with our global colleagues. We gain many benefits from interacting with cross-cultural virtual teams. Companies taking advantage of talent around the globe form heterogeneous teams with varying perspectives. When managed well, these differences inject creativity and innovation into even the most complex problems. […] Continue reading… from The Rise of Virtual Cultural Awareness

Why is good information more important than ever?

Here in the U.S., recent political events in the midst of a pandemic have us consuming ever more information on our screens.  It has made us all hungry for good information.  By good information, I mean information that is well-researched, fact-based, and clearly written. Good information in business improves decision making, enhances efficiency and provides an advantage to […] Continue reading… from Why is good information more important than ever?

Yes, you can!

As 2020 comes to a close, it will be quite a year to remember.  It’s time to focus on ourselves and self-renew to build our strength for the coming year.  There is a Stephen Covey habit from his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” which is habit #7 on self-renewal called “Sharpen the […] Continue reading… from Yes, you can!

Celebrating in a different way

Ukrainians do not generally celebrate their birthdays. Instead they celebrate: a.  Name Day:  The feast day of the saint for whom the individual is named. b.  Town Day:  The founding date of the town where the individual was born. c.  Ancestor Day:  A new baby is given the ‘birthday’ of a recently deceased ancestor. d.  Family Day:  The wedding […] Continue reading… from Celebrating in a different way