Brazil After The Olympics

Rio de Janeiro has been the focus of worldwide attention since the 2016 Olympic games officially opened on August 5th. Athletes arrived from all over the world. Their families and friends filled the stands and the after-hour venues. Sport-loving spectators came to experience the physical excellence and the festival atmosphere. Millions more watched from homes […] Continue reading… from Brazil After The Olympics

What do these events have in common?

•    The city of Kyoto donates a “Japanese House” to the Boston Children’s Museum. •    A Chicago association donates more than $200,000 worth of hearing aids to Jordan’s King Hussein Cancer Center, while also donating five ambulances to the City of Amman. •    Students from Pasadena, California work as interns in Ludwigshafen, Germany in a […] Continue reading… from What do these events have in common?

Connecting in Hong Kong, communicating in Canada, transporting in Lagos

If you are reading this in Hong Kong right now, you may be using one of the city’s many Wi-Fi options. Connect to “GovWiFi” in major parks, visitor centers, public libraries, sports and cultural/recreational centers, and government buildings. In addition, Hong Kong’s mass transit system, MTR, now provides up to five 15-minute sessions of free […] Continue reading… from Connecting in Hong Kong, communicating in Canada, transporting in Lagos

Do you telecommute?

According to a global study by Ipsos, one in five employees works remotely on a frequent basis.  Emerging markets rank highest in percentage of telecommuters, with 27 percent in the Middle East and Africa, 25 percent in Latin America, 24 percent in Asia-Pacific. Only nine percent of those surveyed in North America and Europe telecommute […] Continue reading… from Do you telecommute?