Planning for Emergencies While Living Abroad

Even the savviest travelers can encounter emergency situations while abroad. Preparation is key. Emergency plans In the event of a crisis, a prearranged plan provides direction and alleviates panic. The plan may entail removal to a safe in-country location or evacuation from the country, with or without belongings. Consider carrying additional evacuation coverage on your […] Continue reading… from Planning for Emergencies While Living Abroad

Technology-useful tools for international assignees

Anyone who’s a veteran of the global mobility industry remembers the days of land lines and snail-mailed letters. These days, not only has the physical technology evolved, but also the way international assignees use the latest networking tools to educate themselves, solve problems, and stay connected. Written for the Forum for Expat Management by Ellen […] Continue reading… from Technology-useful tools for international assignees


Afghanistan conjures various images for anyone who hears this country’s name, but what is really known about this 4000-year-old country? This large, mountainous country has known Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan, and is still a subject for the evening news today. Written for Mobility magazine by Ellen Harris, GMS, International Product Director, Living Abroad […] Continue reading… from Afghanistan