Art as a record of our times

How many historical events are commemorated with art? Maybe you saw the recent story about King Charles III’s Coronation Roll, a beautifully hand-written manuscriptthat is 21 meters/69 feet long. As an amateur calligrapher, I’m astounded by the precision and artistry of this massive work. Illustrated in vibrant hues with special ink, the Roll serves as an […] Continue reading… from Art as a record of our times

Reconsider Plastics while Traveling

More than 100 countries impose some sort of restriction on single-use plastic bags. This may be by partial or outright prohibition, or a charge for bag use at stores. Global travelers will increasingly encounter this ban, and will have to adapt to host-country practices. Bangladesh was the first country to ban plastic bags, a measure […] Continue reading… from Reconsider Plastics while Traveling

Would you like some pop in your soda?

While reading is a far cry from actual travel, books can transport us around the world and into new experiences. Recently I’ve had to look up brand-name beverages referenced in novels by Irish writer Niall Williams and Scottish writer Denise Mina: MiWadi and Irn-Bru, respectively. The other night while dining out with our Mexican neighbor, […] Continue reading… from Would you like some pop in your soda?

Flying high for all the right reasons

Do you have a favorite airport? More than half a million Condé Nast Traveler readers piped up about theirs, and the 2023 Readers Choice Awards include their top 10 international airports worldwide. As employee wellbeing becomes an integral part of employee mobility, these top-notch airports offer not only smooth travel experiences but also amenities that […] Continue reading… from Flying high for all the right reasons

Our New Year’s Wish

‘Twas the week before New Year’sand all through the landthe stars all alignedas to some cosmic plan. With robust economiesin all jurisdictions,every household had plenty;there was no sign of friction. Good health prevailed.No disease could find purchase.Young and old glowed with life;no new illness did surface. World leaders sought onlywhat lifted their populace,and with those […] Continue reading… from Our New Year’s Wish

Hello? Is the doctor there?

Global travelers must contend with the differences – and sometimes limitations – of a foreign healthcare system. But what if you had a tool that makes it easier? Telehealth is an option in an increasing number of locations. Due partly to the global COVID-19 pandemic, phone and video consultations have become logical replacements for in-person […] Continue reading… from Hello? Is the doctor there?

Tomorrow is a Holiday?

Travel schedules, business meetings, home-finding visits – all revolve around the local calendar in your host country. Assignees learn pretty quickly about unfamiliar holidays if they try to schedule something at the wrong time, or take a business trip only to find vacations have emptied the office. National and religious holidays Acquaint yourself with your […] Continue reading… from Tomorrow is a Holiday?