When Driving Drives You Crazy

Those from suburban America may take having a car for granted. Those from Singapore, however, may take having excellent public transportation for granted. There are numerous factors to consider when deciding whether an assignee should bring a car, buy one locally, or avoid driving at all while on assignment. According to WHO’s Global Status Report […] Continue reading… from When Driving Drives You Crazy

Found in Translation

Did you celebrate bibliophile’s favorite holiday tradition, the Jólabókaflóð? The “book flood” is when Icelanders exchange presents of books on Christmas Eve and spend a cozy time reading. It’s become famous among book lovers across social media, who sigh wistfully and wish their own countries would adopt this custom. If you were lucky enough to […] Continue reading… from Found in Translation

Data Accuracy in an AI World

Nowadays information is everywhere, and with more and more people using AI, it can be hard to tell whether or not information has been properly vetted. While AI stands for “artificial intelligence,” AI doesn’t make decisions on its own. Instead, it’s closer to a very advanced word prediction software, making associations from common data patterns […] Continue reading… from Data Accuracy in an AI World

Protecting Your Identity

While the numbers for many types of crime are falling, one sector that is seeing an increase includes identity theft and identity fraud. Being globally mobile means carrying a large amount of sensitive documentation and information across border (and leaving other documents behind), increasing the risk of identity theft. There are, however, ways to protect […] Continue reading… from Protecting Your Identity