Celebrating Our 200th Moose Cartoon: A Journey Through Global Mobility!

This week marks an exciting milestone for us—we’re releasing our 200th Moose cartoon dedicated to the global mobility industry! It all began in 2020 when Michael Cadden, VP – International Operations at Living Abroad, started creating the Moose cartoons from his home office. It’s been a fantastic journey filled with humor, insights, and reflections on the ever-evolving world of global mobility. Our cartoons have not only provided laughs but have also shed light on the challenges and triumphs that global mobility professionals and global employees face daily.

Why 200 Matters

Two hundred isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to persistence, creativity, and the ongoing dialogue within the global mobility community. Every cartoon tells a story, captures a moment, or pokes fun at the complexities of relocation, immigration, and cross-border business operations. Whether it’s navigating schools, finding a home, handling cultural adjustments, or simply the day-to-day hurdles of managing a global workforce, our cartoons have intended to bring a smile to your face while highlighting these industry nuances.

The Significance of the Number 2

While the number 200 doesn’t have a direct special meaning in numerology, the presence of the number 2 is quite interesting. In numerology, 2 is often associated with balance, partnerships, and diplomacy. All qualities that are essential in the global mobility industry. It represents the idea of cooperation and the coming together of different entities, much like the way our cartoons bring together diverse aspects of the industry. It’s a reminder of the importance of relationships, both personal and professional, that are at the heart of global mobility.

A Thank You to Our Community

We couldn’t have reached this point without the support of our amazing community. Your engagement, feedback, and shared experiences have been invaluable. Every comment has inspired us to consistently deliver value, and we’re excited to continue this journey. Our goal has always been to provide a lighthearted take on the seriousness of our industry, and we’re thrilled that these cartoons resonate with so many of you.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this milestone, we’re also looking ahead. There’s so much more to explore in the world of global mobility, and we have plenty of ideas brewing for future Moose cartoons. We’re committed to keeping the laughs coming and continuing to be a fun, relatable voice in the industry.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Here’s to the next 200!