Schooled in special needs education

School is back in session in most communities, and for parents of special needs children that means a new year of figuring out what the best possible education looks like.

In the U.S. alone, 7.5 million children between the ages of three and 21 receive special educational and/or support services*. That’s about 15% of the public school population.

While every country has laws that determine disability services, the designations and approaches to special education vary widely. In some countries, special needs students are accommodated in regular classes, while in others the vast majority of such students are sent to special schools. Spain is an example of the former; Chile and Belgium are examples of the latter.

National policy and local resources tend to dictate where children are placed. Often, a mix of in-classroom support and community resources – like after-school programs or accessible transportation – are available.

Parents moving abroad may seek out private school options and/or supplemental therapies outside of classroom time. These schools are often attractive for parents who prefer a smaller student/teacher ratio and the more robust resources at the school’s disposal.

Children with physical disabilities and learning challenges may experience heightened emotional stress during a move. Uprooting the family and disrupting comfortable schedules can disturb the child who functions best with routines or in low-stimulation environments. Maintaining some familiar rituals and building in downtime can help.

Parents worldwide may benefit from resources for specific needs like ADHDautism, and dyslexia.

Relocating families should also investigate national, regional, and municipal services, as well as private and non-profit organizations that can connect you to support in the host country. Advance planning is critical for any required testing and individualized education plan (IEP) development. 

Living Abroad’s International Relocation Center (IRC) discusses Special Education globally and provides links to worldwide resources. We are continually adding country-specific detail to our destination content. 

Written by Ellen Harris, GMS, Product Manager, Content Group